Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Adoption wars

So someone else has posted an entry about being able to adopt a Starlight actor and then said something to me to the effect that no one would ever adopt me because...blah blah blah, etc. so on and so forth. You get the idea. And now the challenge is on. I contend that I am indeed adoptable and furthermore will be adopted before the anonymous blogger. She claims that her looks give her an unfair advantage that I cannot overcome. I disagree.

I do laundry and dishes, wash cars, mow lawns, clean bathrooms, and walk pets--in addition to the generic perks she mentioned. I'm also more clever and nice, but I digress. I also help move heavy objects-including but not limited to washers, big screen tvs, pianos, refrigerators, stuffed animals, and feather pillows. I will play with children. I eat leftovers so they don't go to waste. I'm pretty much amazing.

So if you love Starlight and have been wondering, "what can I do to help?" this is your opportunity. Get together with some friends, family, coworkers, whomevers, and adopt a Starlight actor. (Details are under the ways you can help tab on the website.) And please make sure it's me, so I have bragging rights, and you have a cleaner house and happier life!

scot with one t
(photos available on request)

1 comment:

Karen C said...

You can go to my blog to find a couple of really cute pictures of this very adoptable boy...